Welcome on DL4UNY's Radio-Page!
Welcome at my shack Over the years I used many different radios and had different shack constallations - depends on how deep I was into our hobby. During school time I spent much of my freetime on radio, but only used a TS-930s with a G5RV and a simple vertical antenna. After school I went to university and moved to a 6-story-building with limited antenna-possibilities, but since I lived on the very top floor I even though I set up a balcony antenna and could spend my evenings on the bands. But most of the time I went to the local radio club DF0HQ (it was hardly 500m away from home). After university I started working as an RF Hardware development engineer at Rohde&Schwarz in Munich and rented a nice place a bit out of town. This is where I still live. On this "city QTH" I use a TS-590 with OM-Power 2500 and fullsize verticals for 80m (22m pole with 2 elevated radials), a triple leg for 40m on a 15m DXwire pole and a multiband vertical (GPA30) at 8m for 20/15/10m with sloping radials. It's not that bad, but it's not a competitive station. For contest activites I prefer going to my former QTH (where my parents live), there is no industry (thus no job for me), no dense population but pleny of space for using great antennas :) There I still use some of my old radios: ![]() |