View from Plane | flat tire of our shuttle-bus from Venice to Pordenone |
View from the hotel to the alpes |
The curch of Pordenone in front of the alpes |
another curch in Pordenone |
Some members of the 'Team Belorussia' in the training-room |
pretty fast belorussian fingers :-) |
YT1CS - Miki |
IV3VAV - Alfio |
some of the Italian team - and the organizer :-) |
9A3BOB and 9A3BBW are waiting for MorseRunner... |
YO8COL checks his score |
Some members of team Russia |
Team Russia - talking while practicing | UA4FGO has got very fast fingers |
5H3HO - Hidan (he really came from Tanzania to invite us for the World Championship 2009 |
awarding ceremony (first evening) |
awarding ceremony (first evening |
awarding ceremony (first evening) |
EW3LL with his straight key |
DJ5AA - Jo with his new key |
YT7AW - Goran |
Venice |
Venice |
5H3HO - Hidan an me, DL4UNY |
Venice |
Venice (do they build a new city? ^-^) |
Venice | EW8NW - Oleg and me, DL4UNY |
amazing engines |
Venice |
Venice |
on boat throught Venice |
Venice |
photo-shooting from boat |
funny guys on the Canale di San Marco |
Venice |
Venice |
Venice (and a part of LZ2CWW :-)) |
Venice |
5H3HO - Hidan |
Venice |
Venice |
Venice |
Venice |
Antennas in Venice |
Venice |
Venice with alot of tourists |
Venice |
after lunch you need about 10min to pass one bridge |
Venice |
Venice |
antennas in Venice |
antennas... |
a channel in Venice (and EU1YI) |
Venice |
Bogdan and me, DL4UNY |
Venice and tourists |
Venice |
Venice |
a great hotel |
Venice |
I don't really wanna drink this water |
UA3VBW - Stan, UT5URM - Sweta & me, DL4UNY |
Venice backstage |
Venice |
UA3VBW - Stan |
Fish... and 30° at shadow |
Venice |
final ceremony |
YT1CS and me, DL4UNY |
UT1IJ - Vlad and UA3VBW - Stand |
final ceremony |
final ceremony |
QSO water |
Z35A - Trajko and me, DL4UNY |
Tanja and Goran, YT7AW |
SP5HNK - Donata and YT7AW - Goran |
DJ1YFK - Fabian...at 10:30am after alot of russina WODKA :-) |
The Belorussian team leaves Pordenone |
LZ1FI - Peo and Z35A - Trajko |
DJ1YFK - Fabian |
... and me :-) |