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HST 2009 in Obzor, Bulgaria

I've been in Italy to participate on the High Speed Telegraphy Competition there. It was quite well, I had a lot of fun there and I got to know a lot of great friends.
View from Plane Flat tire
View from Planeflat tire of our shuttle-bus from Venice to Pordenone

View from Hotel View from Hotel
View from the hotel to the alpes

Curch Curch
The curch of Pordenone in front of the alpes another curch in Pordenone

Belorussia fast fingers
Some members of the 'Team Belorussia' in the training-room pretty fast belorussian fingers :-)
yt1cs iv3vav
YT1CS - Miki IV3VAV - Alfio

some of the Italian team - and the organizer :-) 9A3BOB and 9A3BBW are waiting for MorseRunner...

YO8COL checks his score Some members of team Russia

Team Russia - talking while practicingUA4FGO has got very fast fingers

5H3HO - Hidan (he really came from Tanzania to invite us for the World Championship 2009 awarding ceremony (first evening)

awarding ceremony (first evening

awarding ceremony (first evening) EW3LL with his straight key

DJ5AA - Jo with his new key YT7AW - Goran


Venice 5H3HO - Hidan an me, DL4UNY

Venice Venice (do they build a new city? ^-^)

VeniceEW8NW - Oleg and me, DL4UNY

amazing engines



on boat throught Venice

Venice photo-shooting from boat

funny guys on the Canale di San Marco Venice


Venice (and a part of LZ2CWW :-)) Venice

5H3HO - Hidan Venice



Venice Antennas in Venice


Venice with alot of tourists Venice

after lunch you need about 10min to pass one bridge Venice

Venice antennas in Venice
antennas... a channel in Venice (and EU1YI)


Bogdan and me, DL4UNY Venice and tourists



a great hotel


I don't really wanna drink this water UA3VBW - Stan, UT5URM - Sweta & me, DL4UNY

Venice backstage Venice

UA3VBW - Stan Fish... and 30° at shadow


final ceremony YT1CS and me, DL4UNY

UT1IJ - Vlad and UA3VBW - Stand final ceremony

final ceremony QSO water

Z35A - Trajko and me, DL4UNY Tanja and Goran, YT7AW

SP5HNK - Donata and YT7AW - Goran DJ1YFK - Fabian...at 10:30am after alot of russina WODKA :-)

The Belorussian team leaves Pordenone LZ1FI - Peo and Z35A - Trajko

DJ1YFK - Fabian ... and me :-)